Health & Fitness Lifestyle

11 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care & Relax at Home

11 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care & Relax

Times are definitely tough right now for a number of reasons. We’re mourning our normalcy, caring for kids around the clock, trying to work, be productive and stay sane. Now more than ever I’ve realized how much I need to take some time for myself when I can. Even a few minutes at night to do something relaxing helps to boost my mood and give me a sense of calm. With everyone home 24/7, alone time is rare, but there are a few simple ways I’m trying to manage all the stress, emotion and uncertainty around me. Today, I’m sharing 11 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care and Relax at Home.

Sometimes all you need is 15 to hit the reset button! The days are long and each day feels like the one before, but slipping in a few minutes for yourself is key to your own happiness as well as the happiness of those around you. 

Try any of these simple tips and see if they help calm or relax you! And if you have any of your own ideas, I’d love to hear them in the comments. If we can swap our secrets for feeling good, then that’s a win!!


11 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care & Relax


Reading always fills my cup. I’ve set a goal to read 20-30 minutes per day. I always look forward to “me time” and a book is the perfect excuse to put down my phone and computer and relax with a good read!

Little Fires Everywhere - books to read while you're stuck at Home - This is our Bliss

I’m currently reading The Dutch House and finished this one and this one most recently.


I don’t do this as often as I used to, but there is nothing better than pouring a glass of wine, lighting a candle and soaking in a bathtub full of bubbles. I love this one and this one and we have this back cushion for added comfort.

This one looks really nice, too.


I always feel better after a workout or even a short walk. There’s something about getting your heart rate going and breaking a sweat that relieves stress and anxiety. Getting 30-60 minutes of exercise everyday has become part of my routine and it definitely helps me if I’m feeling down or blah. Especially during social distancing, a walk in the neighborhood is something I look forward to.

Fresh air does wonders and so does a change of scenery!

Making sure I get enough water everyday helps, too. This gallon jug would be a great to keep at home!


A glass of wine always helps me relax. A few sips and a piece of chocolate are instant mood boosters for me. I shared all my favorite Pinot Noirs under $25 and are my go-to’s when I am in need of glass to decompress!


I got my first diffuser and set of oils a couple of years ago and really enjoy this as part of my bedtime routine or when I go to my room to give myself a “time-out” aka hide from everyone ha! I turn on the diffuser and set it for 60 minutes. My favorite combos right now are lavender + orange in my room and lemon + peppermint in the kitchen. This is a great starter set!


I love snuggling up with a blanket and a cup of hot tea in the afternoons if I need a pick-me-up. At night, sometimes I sip on a cup of decaf tea right before bed to relax also. I tend to enjoy doing this more in the winter, but always a cup of tea with honey when I’m not feeling well. This one, this one and this one are some of my go-to favorites.

I just tried the Pomegranate White Tea from Trader Joe’s and its delicious.

pomegranate white tea - This is our Bliss

I also love this decaf herb tea “get some zzz’s” at bedtime.


There’s something about putting pen to paper and getting your thoughts out that is therapeutic. I love this one and this one and want to start doing more of this – even just a couple times per week.

self care quote - 15 things to do while you're stuck at home - This is our Bliss


So many friends have recommended the Calm app lately and I just downloaded it to give it a try. Have you tried any forms of meditation or an app to help you?


Instant mood booster! The soft glow of a candle calms and relaxes me and the warm scent of vanilla or almond are what I typically gravitate towards. I love the DW Home candles [I get mine from HomeGoods] and this one and this one are also favorites.styling a coffee table with flowers and a candle - This is our Bliss


A good at-home pampering session always involves a mask. I love this one for brightening and this one for exfoliating, cleansing and purifying and am also looking for a new one to try. I’ll let you know when I land on something I love.


Now more than ever, virtually communicating with friends and family has helped me feel connected. Zoom calls, Houseparty or even a phone call or text. I miss getting out and being social, so setting up a virtual happy hour or Girls Night In has been a really great way to catch up with everyone! I’ve even been on a Virtual bachelorette party a couple weekends ago with a college bestie and we had a blast!

Have you tried any of these ways to practice self-care lately?

Do you feel like you’ve been able to take sometime for yourself to relax?

Here are some of the self-care / relaxation items I mentioned above:

I hope these simple tips help you tune in to what you need right now. I know for me, sometimes it takes a little reminder to get back on track doing things that bring me joy. Have a GREAT day!

For more self-care inspiration, you can check out my full Health & Fitness Gallery here!

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