We’ve done a lot of flamingling this Summer. Like a lot. As in almost every Friday night! Ever since we moved into this neighborhood 3 Summers ago, I’d been sharing snapshots of Flamingo Friday on Instagram and Facebook, but I decided it was time to share all the details on how our neighborhood hosts weekly Flamingo Friday parties all Summer long right here on the blog. I also shared some of my favorite go-to appetizers I take each week and now it’s time to share OUR Flamingo Friday Party Recap.
Because we took a turn at hosting at the beginning of August! So today is the day I’m sharing a few snapshots from our Flamingo Friday party!
[*Affiliate links are used in this post.]
I bought all the cute pink Flamingo gear [some of it I started buying this Spring when stores started putting Flamingo gear out and a ton of it we ordered from Amazon obviously!] and we pulled a few pieces out of storage from hosting a couple Summers ago. We also borrowed a couple LED Flamingo lights from our neighbors. And of course we received the rotating garbage sack of Flamingo yard stakes to be put out front.
This is a shot the Flamingos set-up in front of my friend, Carey’s house earlier this Summer, since I forgot to take pictures of the Flamingos in front of our house! #badblogger
We did it up in pink Flamingo style and had a ball! Adults and kids included! Here are a a few highlights from our very own Flamingo Friday party!
Everything will be linked throughout and at the end of the post!
Let’s get right to the eats and beverages!
I put the hot pink flatware in acrylic wine glasses, along with pink plates and flamingo cocktail napkins and set them on top of pink tablecloths. Leaving plenty of room for the yummy appetizers and sweet treats that always line the tables!
The cutest mini Flamingo yard stakes went inside my vases of freshly clipped hydrangeas. I originally bought the stakes to put in my planters on the front porch for the Summer, but forgot I tossed them in a bin and didn’t find them until the week of our Flamingo party.
Details, details, details!
I got out my beverage dispenser [the same one you saw earlier this Summer when I shared my Salty Dog Cocktail recipe] and filled it with a Signature Pink Cocktail for the parents to enjoy. Our Adult Flamingo Punch consisted of Tito’s, Cranberry/Raspberry Juice, Sprite and Soda water. Cups, straws and an ice bucket were on the table so everyone could help themselves.
We found this inflatable Flamingo beverage tub, so filled it with ice and then dumped a case of water and a couple boxes of Capri Suns in it for the kiddos!
We put out our set of boards for games of bean bag toss and we also set-up our Jump’n’slide bounce house for the night. It’s a small one, but has served us SO well for the last couple of years. Definitely worth the investment in my opinion. Set-up and take-down is a total breeze and we just run the electrical cord for the blower up to the outlet on the deck. It folds up and stores really well in the storage bag, too!
We let Winston “bounce” with his brothers for a few minute before the neighbor kids arrived. He had a ball!! We also bought these glow bracelets to pass out once it got dark. The kids loved running around with their neon jewelry!
We also got the firepit going and roasted marshmallows to make s’mores when the sun went down. We have these skewers and love them!
As for the rest of the decor…
We hung Flamingos from our light strands on the deck and tossed a few inflatable Flamingos in the trees for the kids to bop around. And these cute little guys were set-up next to the planters on the columns of the deck.
I mean, how could we not have a fun time partying among all this pretty pink?!!
|| Pink Flamingo tee shirt ||
Flamingo attire – check! Who doesn’t love a good theme!??
If you’ve ever considered throwing a Summer party or even back-to-school bash, consider making it Flamingo themed! There are sooo many cute party decorations out there! Plus, if it’s pink, it’s a go! We seriously have the best time in our neighborhood every Friday night all Summer long!
A few of my tips for hosting a Flamingo Friday party:
- Make a signature drink. – It can be as simple as serving pink lemonade for the kids and vodka/pink lemonade for the adults!
- Add light strings anywhere you can. – The ambiance is key in an outdoor party
- Do something special for the kids. – If you’re hosting a family-friendly party, makes sure the little ones get some special attention, too. Snacks, games, toys, trinkets, glow bracelets, whatever!
- The more pink the better. – Not everything has to be Flamingo. Fill in with pink! Any shade will do!
- A great playlist is key. – Set-up an outdoor speaker and crank the jams.
- It’s all in the details. – Special touches, even the smallest ones go a long way to making your party memorable! Do a little something extra if you’re hosting
Here are some of the items we used plus a ton I rounded up in the original Flamingo post.
It’s so hard to say goodbye to Summer, but luckily we have one more Flamingo Friday tonight even though school started back up yesterday. These fun Friday nights are some of our best Summer memories as a family and as a neighborhood, too!
I hope everyone has a great weekend! Cheers
To see more Summer related posts, head here and for more recipe ideas for quick and easy entertaining in the Summer [or year-round] head here!