Greetings from AZ! We are on vacation down in sunshiny, 90 degree, lovely weather Arizona visiting my parents and several other family members. Needless to say, it has been perrrr-fect! Although I had planned to do a bit of blogging while away from home, I wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to post about. I have a few posts drafted with some new ideas, so I hope to get them completed in the next week. If not, I’ll just add them to the run-on list of post ideas I have been churning out in my head but that haven’t quite made it any further than just that…a list.
Whenever I am visiting my parents or they are in town visiting us, my mom and I are always on the hunt for new home décor and chatting about the latest and greatest design ideas for our homes. I definitely inherited my love for decorating from her and we love doing it together when we can. “If only we lived closer!” we always say, then we could bounce ideas off of each other all day, everyday (and probably spend too much $$$, also!).
Since I am a guest in her house this week, I thought I would share how I helped my mom do a quick bedside table roundup to make it slightly more functional for me. Of course you don’t typically take it upon yourself to start rearranging and adding things to the room your hosts graciously put you up in, but with my mom, it’s totally ok!
She has a great guest room set-up in their home in Arizona, so I just made a few tweaks to the bedside area to allow for simple storage & easy access for items on the bedside table.
Glimpse of the bedside table before:
There was actually no staging here!
Table after:

What changes did I make?
1 – Water decanter & glass – I relocated these pieces from the dresser to the nightstand so a quick glass of water is more accessible while in bed. I love that she has this in the room and am pretty sure I will be adding one to the guestroom in our house during the revamp. At that price, why not?!
2- DIY acrylic tray (tutorial coming soon) to hold my jewelry at the end of the day. The small tray keeps all of the pieces together so they don’t get knocked off and end up missing.
3 – Silver tray with handles – This was also previously located on top the dresser. I realized my book was on the table, but magazines were on the floor, so I grabbed it and moved it to the little cubby / shelf on the nightstand. It happened to fit in there just right. The tray now holds magazines, my iPad and book and can easily be slid out to reach in and grab what I need. As I always say, if loose items can be corralled into a permanent home, then when they get out of place, you know just where to put them when tidying up. Take a look at Simon’s nursery closet, our linen closet and pantry for a few spots in our home that tend to stay neat & tidy due to great organizational systems we put into action.
No major changes, but a couple of small ones that are working out very nicely so far!
What is on your nightstand at home? What items do you like to have on your bedside table when staying somewhere else? I would love to hear from you!
DIY Gold Detail Acrylic Tray | This is our Bliss
March 23, 2015 at 2:15 PM[…] ← Quick & Easy Guestroom Bedside Table Round-up […]
Me, Myself and DIY
March 23, 2015 at 6:46 AMAlways good guest room “must haves” Enjoy your VACA. I’m jealous of the weather of course. 😉
Rachael @ This is our Bliss
March 25, 2015 at 12:35 PMThanks, Dana! The weather was perfection 🙂 We had a really great time!!
March 20, 2015 at 8:33 AMLove the trays! Can’t wait to see the upcoming DIY post for those!!
Rachael @ This is our Bliss
March 20, 2015 at 9:39 AMThanks, Emily! I should have the acrylic tray posted today or tomorrow!